Introducing Essential Oils into Your Life
Essential oils can offer benefits for the mind, body, and spirit in a variety of ways, such as improving mood, relaxing tight muscles, and addressing various skin care concerns. We're happy to share some simple ways to use essential oils and how they can enhance your daily routines.
Understanding the Basics
Aromatherapy uses essential oils—aromatic plant extracts—to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These concentrated oils are extracted from different parts of aromatic plants and contain compounds with therapeutic properties that can help with everything from calming your mind to relieving muscle tension
Elevate Mood and Atmosphere with Diffusion
One great way to experience the benefits of aromatherapy is by using a diffuser. With an essential oil diffuser, you can spread the lovely scents of your favorite oils throughout the air, making your home or workspace feel calm and uplifting. Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the water reservoir of your diffuser, and let that aromatic mist spread the scent around the room. If you’re trying to relax after a busy day or want to sharpen your focus and get more done, diffusing essential oils is a simple and effective way to enjoy their therapeutic perks.
Inhalation to Soothe the Senses
Another simple way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy is by directly inhaling the scents. Add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to a tissue or cotton ball and take a deep breath. Let the aroma fill your senses and calm your mind. Why not whip up your own inhalation blend? Just mix a few oils together to craft a unique scent that resonates with you. Depending on the oils or blends you choose, they can even help clear up congestion, especially when those seasonal sniffles hit.
Nourishing the Skin and Body
While you can apply essential oils directly to your skin for some targeted relief, it’s important to remember, before you put essential oils on your skin, to make sure to mix them with a carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, or almond oil before applying them. This helps avoid any skin sensitivity or irritation. After you dilute them, you can massage essential oils into your skin, toss them into your bath, or mix them into your skincare products to help nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin. Topical application of certain essential oils can soothe sore muscles or promote a radiant complexion, making it an effective way to tap into their healing benefits.
On the Go Aromatherapy
If you're looking for a handy way to enjoy aromatherapy while you're out and about, you might want to try personal inhalers or roll-on applicators filled with your favorite essential oils and blends. Personal inhalers let you take the perks of aromatherapy with you wherever you are. Roll-on applicators make it easy to get targeted relief right where you need it or to apply to your pulse points and enjoy your blend as your very own custom perfume. When you're on the go, at the office, or just dealing with everyday life, personal inhalers and roll-ons make it simple to add essential oils to your daily routine.
Creating Your Own
One of the really satisfying aspects of aromatherapy is that you can craft custom blends that are tailored to your personal preferences and needs, Experiment with different essential oils and mix scents that go well together to create aromas that resonate with you. If you're looking for relaxation, energy, clarity, or balance, there are so many options for creating your own special blends. Learn more about scenting and creating custom blends on our Scenting page
Practice Self-care with Aromatherapy
Whether you're using essential oils to set a calming vibe at home, applying them to your skin for some extra nourishment, or mixing up your own blends to tap into certain feelings and memories, aromatherapy offers many ways to enhance your life and well-being.
We’re committed to providing high-quality essential oils and aromatherapy products that encourage you to practice the art of self-care and enable you to experience the impact of scent on mind, body and spirit.
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